Quick story...
We pulled up to an apartment complex at the same time as another carpet cleaner. We each went to our separate customers.
At Ultimate Carpet Cleaning, we always vacuum before we begin our carpet cleaning process because it is according to the Industrial Standards in the carpet cleaning industry, and also because it enhances the cleaning process. So, after about 25 minutes, we were finished vacuuming and headed out to get our carpet cleaning equipment. We noticed that the other carpet cleaner was already finishing and loading up to leave! Wow, that was fast. That's when we got started with ours. Our equipment can probably cover the same amount of carpet, just as fast as traditional carpet cleaning equipment, but we choose not to rush. We take our time, going over your carpet and floors, making sure that we're getting the best quality cleaning over that surface as possible. We're concerned with giving you a good end result, not how fast we can get to our next customer. At Ultimate Carpet Cleaning, we prefer to be the turtle in the race. But here's the kicker. How do we end up still winning the race? It's because our low-moisture cleaning process allows your carpet to be dry in less than 2 hours (usually, closer to 30 minutes). Yes, the other cleaner had hurried through and was done at least an hour before we were... but in the end our carpet was dry long before the other. The process, our patience, our commitment to excellence, and the equipment that we have chosen to do our job... gives you the "ultimate" carpet cleaning. We didn't choose our name for just any reason. We have seen the proof that you actually receive the "Ultimate Carpet Cleaning". Sincerely, The crew of two, at Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, SD
Odor Removal for the Sioux Falls, SD area We Eliminate Any Odor Completed Within 24 Hours 100% Guaranteed All Elevated Odors Gone™ CALL TODAY 605-359-8587 IF WE CAN’T MAKE YOUR HOME ODOR FREE WITHIN 24 HOURS – WE PAY YOU $200!! Call 605-359-8587 For Your Free Inspection Today These Are The Top 6 Odors Most Clients Need Removed
1. Pet urine odor elimination is number 1 on the list. 2. Cigarette smoke odor removal is number 2 on the list. 3. Cooking odors completely removed, such as fish and curry are number 3 on our list. 4. Musty basement and crawl space odor removal is number 4 on our list of most calls for odor removal. 5. Automobile odors are gone completely with our system within 1 hour. 6. Smoke odor elimination from a house fire makes our top 6 list. Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, SD PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING FOR SIOUX FALLS
Do your rugs need a good cleaning? We'd like to get them looking like new again. We'd like to be your go-to rug cleaning company in the Sioux Falls area.
One thing that a lot of our residential and commercial customers love is the fact that we use a low-moisture oscillating carpet cleaning machine. That means it's dry in 2 hours or less in the majority of situations. Our system uses oscillating cleaning pads in conjunction with safe and effective cleaners. The results we produce usually amazes people. After one pad has done all of it's dirty work, we switch out with a clean pad. We do this as often as needed in order to get your rugs or carpets the cleanest they can be.
And you don't have to drop your rugs off or get them picked up and wait to get them back. We'll do them right there in a matter of minutes. Boom. Done.
Need to schedule a thorough and effective rug cleaning? Just give us a call. Like I said before, we'd love to be your trusted "go-to" rug or carpet cleaning company! We aim to please because what's the point if you can't create happy customers. Thank you. Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, SD 605-359-8587 BEST WAY TO CLEAN CARPET | SIOUX FALLS, SD
There are good ways to clean carpet, and there are bad ways. Some like to get in and out quickly because, after all, the more homes they can complete in a day, the more money they make. Totally, understandable from a business point of view. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're taking the proper time to clean the carpets properly.
We like to take our time. It just gets your carpet cleaner. Let's pretend you're cleaning up a mess on your carpet from juice or dog accident or something. What method usually works best? To scrub really fast for a few seconds? Or take your time, blot, use the proper cleaners, etc.? Our system is a low-moisture, oscillating system. Our machine has cleaning pads attached that we switch out for clean ones many times over the course of your carpet cleaning. Those pads are rotating really fast, and uses a lot less water. We can show you the proof of how much dirt and grime we're pulling up! Your carpet will be dry a lot faster than you're probably used to with traditional methods of carpet cleaning systems. Normally, your rug or carpet will be dry between half an hour and two hours. The bottom line here is that we found a great carpet cleaning system to use... and we take our time to make sure that we're getting your carpet as clean as it possibly could be. That makes for a great looking carpet or rug... and your carpet will last longer with good, consistent cleanings. Give us a call for a carpet cleaning estimate for your home or business. We have commercial and residential clients (and many churches) who have been trusting us for years. They've come to love the job we do... and how we do on stain removal. Some stains are incredibly stubborn and almost impossible to get out, but we have a pretty good track record for getting out certain stains that were otherwise labeled "hopeless". We'd love to help! Talk to you soon! Sincerely, Loren and Kendall (Father & Son dynamic duo) Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, SD 605-359-8587 2 BIG REASONS TO CLEAN YOUR CARPET
What's the point in getting your carpet cleaned if it just wears out in 7 or 8 years? Well, there are a couple good answers to that question.
1) Carpet lasts much longer when you have a good carpet cleaner to your home or business at least once a year. And heavy traffic areas more often than that. Especially if you're in an office where thousands of feet trample hallways and other high-traffic areas all day long. It will last longer because as long as there is dirt, sand, tiny rocks, grime, etc. on your carpet fibers... those fibers are constantly being attacked. As the carpet is walked on, the dirt acts like tiny little saws, hacking away at each and every single fiber. And over time, it takes its toll. And any oils or griminess will eat away at the fibers as well, making them weaker and easier to break down. 2) Carpet acts as a filter in homes and businesses. It's an extra air filter. Dust gets trapped in carpet fibers. So, instead of constantly flying around the air and entering our lungs, our carpet helps reduce dust, pollen, tiny skin flakes, and everything else that is in our "dust". But when you fail to have your carpets cleaned, your carpet's ability to absorb and hold this dust is greatly diminished. And that leaves the air dirtier. The air you breathe. And that's especially not good for children and the elderly. (not to mention you may not want a baby or child crawling around on filthy carpet)
Free Estimates.
Residential and Commercial. Hardwood, Laminate, Carpet, Rugs, and Upholstery Cleaning. Carpets are dry in less than 2 hours! ![]() Carpets clean? Check. Dry in less than 2 hours? Check. Great service from a family-owned and operated company? Double-check. When you have your carpets cleaned by Ultimate Carpet Cleaning, it's not just "anyone" cleaning your carpets. It's a family affair. Loren and his son Kendall are the people tackling your dirty carpet. What does that mean for you? It means they're taking great care in the job they do. At Ultimate Carpet Cleaning, we want to be your go-to floor cleaning crew for your home or business. One of the main reasons that a lot of local area businesses prefer using us is because your carpet will be dry in less than 2 hours! And their oscillating carpet cleaning equipment cleans some of the grimiest and abused carpet better than you'd ever imagine. Here's a quick video to demonstrate... Ready for the "ultimate" clean? Just give us a call! We also clean most other types of flooring. Such as hardwood, laminate, tile, smooth concrete, etc. It's a kind of clean you may not be used to. And the "family thing" is just an added benefit that ensures the greatest service you could ask for! Can't wait to wow you! Ultimate Carpet Cleaning
Carpet cleaning tends to get put off. Hey, that’s totally understandable. It’s never fun to invest in services like furnace maintenance, duct cleaning, house cleaning, carpet cleaning, or any other service that helps “maintain” a healthy home or business.
So, let’s discuss the health of your home. Did you know it’s like a giant air filter? Yup. It collects a lot of dust, dirt, dander, and lots of other tiny icky things. If you never sat or lay on your carpet, maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal to have it cleaned. But I’m guessing you come into contact once in a while. Having your carpets cleaned periodically is going to help keep your environment a lot healthier indoors. It can also prolong the life of your carpet for years and years. It doesn’t take long for dirt to start deteriorating your carpet fibers. That’s where we come in. Ultimate Carpet Cleaning specializes in residential and commercial carpet cleaning. But here’s the beauty of our carpet cleaning process: it’s low-moisture. We use an oscillating, low-moisture system which cleans your carpets unbelievably well… while at the same time allows them to be dry between 30 minutes and 2 hours. And drying time is usually closer to 30 minutes! Have you ever come home 6 to 8 hours after your carpets have been cleaned and they’re still wet? That doesn’t happen when you hire Ultimate Carpet Cleaning in Sioux Falls. Contact us for a free estimate. We also clean hardwood and laminate floors. Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, South Dakota 605-359-8587 COMMERCIAL CARPET CLEANING FOR THE SIOUX FALLS AREA
There are many things a business considers when choosing a carpet cleaner. How long will it be wet?... because I don't want employees or customers walking on wet carpet. Will you have to bring loud fans in to dry the carpet? Am I going to have to give them access after business hours? Is it safe? Is it effective? Are the employees trustworthy, neat, and professional?
Let's go over some of those concerns quickly. Then, you should be able to make an informed decision on whether Ultimate Carpet Cleaning in Sioux Falls will be your "go to" commercial carpet cleaner.
I probably shouldn't forget to mention that my son and I take our professionalism very seriously. We want to do such a great job for you that it will be an easy decision to call us back the next time. Call, email, or fill out our Contact Form HERE. Thank you for your consideration. Loren and Kendall Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, South Dakota 605-359-8587 DO YOUR CARPETS HAVE TO BE STEAM CLEANED?
There are many carpet cleaning companies in Sioux Falls and all over that country that use hot water or steam to clean carpet. Do you need all that water?
NO. Our oscillating carpet cleaning system totally debunks the myth of needing a lot of water or steam. The steam cleaners (sometimes called the hot water extraction method) tend to use a LOT of water. And that just causes your carpet to be wet for a much longer period of time than is necessary. We use our oscillating, low-moisture carpet cleaning system because it's what we have found works best. We would rather create as many happy customers as possible. Our system allows us to do that. We've cleaned with other methods. But we found what creates beautiful results. Of course there are always challenges with certain types of stains or long-term stains... but we've also had amazing success with typically stubborn stains. If you have some of your own, give us a call and ask us what kind of success rate we have with particular stains. We've most likely seen at all and cleaned it all. Our low-moisture method of cleaning your carpet means that it's not soaking wet for 6 hours. Your carpet will be dry between 30 and 120 minutes! And our cleaning products are all natural. Safe for your family and pets. We'd love you to experience how well we do our job! Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, SD 605-359-8587
Let's walk through a typical scenario with the average carpet cleaner. You hire the carpet cleaner. You're gone for the day while they do it. They say it should be dry within 4 hours. You walk into your house, slip your shoes off, and head into the living room to check out your nice clean carpets.
Within seconds the water is soaking through your socks. Squish, squish, squish. And it's been about 6 hours since the carpet cleaners were there. In order for your carpet to be dry within 4 hours, it would have to be in very dry air conditions. Some will say, open your windows on a low-humidity winters day... but who wants to do that in South Dakota?! Saturated carpet sends an invitation to mold to start forming. Not good. Don't give it the chance. So, this is one of the reasons why our customers love Ultimate Carpet Cleaning. Low-moisture cleaning. Your carpets will be dry anywhere between 30 and 120 minutes. CARPET CLEANING MYTH
Carpet Cleaning Myth:
You need lots of water to clean carpet. Bzzzzt. This is not true. What you ultimately need, and what we have, is:
Using our low-moisture system will lead to improved air quality and a healthier indoor environment. Many cleaners advertise low moisture, but the drying times are still several hours. Our unique low-moisture system uses up to 10 times less water than what is used by some water extraction methods. Our process is a legitimate low-moisture system, and therefore, overly-saturated carpets will never be an issue. When you need carpet cleaning with excellent results, give us a try at Ultimate Carpet Cleaning in Sioux Falls. Our oscillating cleaning equipment is unlike anything that you've probably seen. It's the future of carpet cleaning. No more soaking wet carpet! And the cleaners we use are the best quality and all-natural. No nasty chemicals to harm people or pets. Call for a free estimate. Have a wonderful day! Ultimate Carpet Cleaning Sioux Falls, SD 605-359-8587 |